General feeding guide: • Adult dogs: feed 2-3% of their ideal body weight each day. • Puppies up to a year old: feed 5-10% of their body weight. • Puppies up to 6 months old: feed up to 3 times per day. • Puppies older than 6 months: feed 2 times per day. • Different proteins provide different calories. Please use this as an initial guide for meat proteins and adjust accordingly.

Feeding our pets is essential not only for keeping their bodies strong and norished, but also for establishing a caring, emotional connection. That’s why you may often find yourself giving in when they beg for extra food—even when you know, deep down, that they could benefit from losing weight. Although it may be difficult, however, it is vital to help your pets maintain a healthy weight so that they can continue to enjoy long and happy lives. Pets suffering from obesity are more likely to experience a variety of health problems—including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and liver dysfunction. They are also at a higher risk for surgical complications as well as a shorter life expectancy. Of course, your veterinarian is the best person to ask about maintaining a healthy weight for your pets. Nevertheless, these basic guidelines can help you begin to determine whether your pet is underweight, at an ideal weight, or overweight.

Congratulations on making the decision to feed your pet a nutritious, species-specific diet. Studies have shown that incorporating whole foods into the dog food recipe is a natural, effective way to boost your pup’s overall health and well-being. The best way to transition your pet to a new kind of food is to do it gradually. Not only will this give you and your pet a chance to adjust to the change, but it will also help minimize any digestive issues that may arise. Even with a gradual approach, however, some digestive issues are completely normal and even to be expected. Changes in your pet’s stool, such as diarrhea, are among the most common effects of any change in diet and are nothing to worry about. You may also notice a film around your pet’s stool, which is due to the detoxification process that occurs as your pet begins eating healthier, less processed food. Other common symptoms include temporary flare-ups in skin conditions or excess shedding. The key is to be aware of potential side effects as you transition your pet to a more wholesome, natural diet. As long as your pet remains happy and energetic, these minor digestive and skin issues are no cause for concern, and you can rest assured that you are doing what’s best for their development, health, and long-term welfare.

A simple test to check if your pet is a healthy weight under all that fur!

Make a fist and run your fingers across your knuckles.
If your pet’s ribs feel like this, that means that they are too thin.

Put your palm facing towards you and run your fingers over the base of your fingers.
If your pet’s ribs feel like that, that means that they are too heavy.

Put your palm face down and run your fingers across your knuckles.
If your pet’s ribs feel like this, that means that they are in a healthy, lean pet condition!
Step 1: Store in Freezer
Keep frozen in freezer until ready to feed.
Step 2: Defrost in Fridge
Thaw overnight in fridge. Food can be fed over 2-3 days after thawing.
Step 3: Portion
Pull open the tab and portion out amount to feed. Depending on your dog’s preference, mash or cut into smaller pieces. You can calculate the right portion for your dog on our calculator above.
Step 4: Prepare to Serve
For a final touch to a delicious meal, add warm water and it’s ready to be served.
Step 4 (Alternative): Prepare to Serve
Or you can bring it to room temperature for 10 minutes before serving.
Step 5: Cleaning
After consuming, wash the food bowl with hot soapy water.
Incorporating our frozen meats and patties into your pet’s diet is quick, easy, and convenient. However, it is important to use safe handling procedures as you would with any other meat product. By following the simple handling and feeding instructions below, you can be confident that you are helping your beloved pets lead healthier, happier lives.
- Keep our frozen foods frozen until they are ready to be served.
- Thaw frozen foods in their sealed packages by placing them in your refrigerator.
- To quickly thaw frozen patties, thaw them in a bath of cold water until soft.
- Once opened, leave thawed products out for no longer than 20 minutes before discarding them or placing them back in the refrigerator.
- Use stainless steel bowls when feeding any raw product. Other materials, such as plastic or porcelain, are porous and can trap germs over time.
- Discard any food left over in the bowl after feeding.
- To save unused portions of thawed food that have not yet been served, immediately place them back in the refrigerator, away from other foods.
- Remember to use hot, soapy water to wash counter surfaces, serving dishes, utensils, and any other items that come into contact with raw meat.
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